Anti-Racism Resources & Information
We are sharing a short list of resources in advance of our Unconference Online on July 9, where we will discuss dismantling systemic...

Covid-19 Resources
Government of Canada General Information:

Dr. Arinjay Banerjee
Emerging infections at the human-animal interface
Infectious diseases, especially ones that emerge from wildlife, have always fascinated me. When I started my PhD in 2014, the ebola virus...

Lindsay P. Mann
Membership Directory is LIVE!
The Membership Directory is now live and accessible to all members! (Not available to the public) For the past year, STAN has been...

Sandra Corbeil
Women Making History
Consider this … Ada Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer for having written an algorithm that would allow a machine to...

Eleanor Haine Bennett
Open Science for Curiosity?
In STAN's June blog post, Nathaniel Whelan highlighted the 2019 STAN Conference panel “Science as a Human Right”. Whelan pointed towards...