STAN History
Some high points in the history of STAN:
During the 3rd Annual Partners in Science Awareness Forum in Nov. 2002, a call was issued to establish an informal network to promote collaboration throughout the sector.
Stakeholders met in Feb 2003 to begin establishing a framework for the network. In the spring, funding was received from the Ontario Government to begin building the Network. An operating framework, a web-based database and web site were developed.
The Science & Technology Awareness Network (STAN) was formally launched on November 20, 2003 at the 4th Annual Partners in Science Awareness Forum held in Ottawa.
Since 2004, STAN has grown to have a national presence with its annual conference as a highlight. STAN was incorporated in November 2007
In 2015 the Board of Directors conducted a thorough review of STAN and is currently in the process of significantly renewing the Network through a new Action Plan .
A new website reflecting a renewed STAN was launched January 2017. ​
In 2018, STAN began offering webinars focused professional development and sharing best practices.
A searchable member's database was launched in 2019, helping members to connect with one another.