A Message from STAN's President

Save the date!
Partnerships: Making Real Connections
The 2014 STAN conference will be held on Tuesday, April 29 and Wednesday, April 30, 2014. It will take place at the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa. It will be an exciting mix of conference and “unconference”. What’s an unconference you ask? An unconference is a participant-driven meeting where you drive the agenda. Check out the agenda for the great line up of topics and see how you can become involved in the un-conference. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Ontario Research Fund
The next round of the Ontario Research fund has been announced and the academics have been directed toward STAN to find potential partners for the Outreach portion. They will be directed to the website so please make sure you have updated your membership on the new website.
If you have not created your user account on the new STAN website, please do so by clicking on the Join STAN on the top toolbar.
Alison Symington, STAN President